| | Author | Message |
Number of posts : 1044 Registration date : 2006-12-20
| Subject: BELFAST SUNDAY the LAST day SEPTEMBER 2007 Sun Sep 30 2007, 12:42 | |
| Kathleen has got best male in Irland Belfast. Marty reserv male. Marty won 3rd at rare breed too. Tanyas Beau again best junior . Congratulations to Gini and Tanya and certainly to Kahtleen and her lovely male. have a great weekend wishes Irma and Inari Kathleenin uros oli Belfastissa Irlannissa tanaan paras uros. Ja Marty oli reserv male ( eli PU II ) Marty sijoittui lisaksi kaikkien harvinaisten rotujen kisassa kolmanneksi. BEAU Martyn tytar oli paras juniori jalleen. Marty on TOPlistan ykkos uros Englannissa, mutta jakaa sijoituksen Cheryn kanssa vuoden parhaasta silkista Englannissa. Hienoa Marty ja Tanya. parasta mahdollista viikonloppua koko tiimille t. Irma ja silkkipoikariesa Inari
Last edited by on Mon Oct 01 2007, 00:03; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | taikuski
Number of posts : 188 Registration date : 2006-12-22
| Subject: Re: BELFAST SUNDAY the LAST day SEPTEMBER 2007 Sun Sep 30 2007, 14:47 | |
| Onnea Tanya ja Marty :cheekkiss1: Niin sitä pitää ja nautiaan silkkisistä ystävistämme - elämä maistuu mansikalle näin syksylläkin, kun iloisia uutisia saa lukea :serialkisser: PS. ihania nää uudet hymiöt | |
| | | virginia
Number of posts : 146 Registration date : 2007-07-08
| Subject: Belfast Show Sun Sep 30 2007, 18:56 | |
| We were so very happy for Kathleen. Her male is superb, and we were surprised he did not go BOB as he conforms to the standard in every way. He is a completely different type to Marty and for non specialist breed judges, I guess that can be a difficult call. Some judges prefer Marty's type and some Crispin. We had a non breed specialist today at Belfast which is actually a UK (non FCI) show and the judge obviously preferred Crispin we accept that 100%. Nevertheless Marty ends up today joint TOP Silky Terrier in the UK with Lisa Welch's Limartine Runnin on Red and we are very happy to share that honour with Cherry who is undoubtedly the best bitch at present in the UK. All year Marty and Cherry have almost alternately beaten each other for BOB so it is right the share top honours together. We are happy for everyone.
On another serious matter, Tanya and I were completely disgusted today to learn today that we have been accused, that Tanya and Terhi threw away or left their Reserve Green Star awards at Tralee Ch show and that we were being reported to the Secretary of that show for bad behaviour. Fortunately we DO have many friends and supporters in Ireland who stand by us and who were at the ring side that day and know exactly what happend. We were not happy with the judging and rightly so when the judge was changed without notice to a "very good friend" of one of the exhibitors. However I can tell anyone who reads this forum that the allegations are pathetic and COMPLETELY UNTRUE. We would never behave like that. I have the Reserve Green Star cards in my possession IN TACT and I will publish them on this forum. It is utterly disgraceful for anyone to make such allegations. We know exactly who has done this. Things are getting very nasty and personal. Poor Kathleen has been on the receiving end as well with dreadful e-mails sent to her that are disgraceful to put it mildly. If anything else like this happens again to us we will take legal action immediately without warning. We are honourable and professional people, we have been in this breed for 8 years, and in showing and breeding dogs for over 35 years. We show our dogs, and enjoy it and we have MANY loyal friends in the dog world all over the world, (so anyone slagging us off beware because it soon gets back to us !!) We dont like people who clearly out of jealousy cause so much trouble.
Bombix Moren are the top winning AST kennel in Europe, we are proud and happy to be part of that. Maybe some people who are not able to share in that are not happy.
Anyway Irma, Marty is now JOINT TOP SILKY in the UK 2007 ! (there are no more shows in 2007 with classes for Silkies so it stays like that). Bravo Bombix Moren :arc: | |
| | | irma
Number of posts : 1044 Registration date : 2006-12-20
| Subject: Re: BELFAST SUNDAY the LAST day SEPTEMBER 2007 Sun Sep 30 2007, 20:54 | |
| Tanya , I love you. I love my Marty too. It is honour to share this with Lisa Welch and her lovely Chery. This is so big honour to Bombix Moren and I have born under the lucky stars that I have found such a great team in England. Thank you so much of all you have done for me and Bombix Moren. Also Terhi. I am so bad humor when I hear always all over the places where ever I send dogs this happening again and again. It is unfair indeed to do this to the people who have not do nothing but take a dog from me . Tanya and Terhi have not done ever nothing like that never! This is a big big lie again ! We have seen in Finland how the famous male threw to his box after he not won BOB , this is truely bad!!! EVEN ( wich have ever happening) threw away a roset or not , so what ? People have their temperaments why you need to hide it? ( only because some people wacth all your moves to be nasty ??? and use situations for them) , well this can be very short joy to people like that ! Also very bad thing to tell people just before judging that the judge is my best friend? Or what people think? If I were the judge and get know what have told outside the ring , I never want to see this friend anymore. In my mind friend do not like that never. Tanya and Terhi with a great person Virginia have done such a lot hard work with Bombix Moren Silkies that it is very very sad there is people who makes all this to them only because they want to be as nasty as possible to me. But I belive there will be a day when people ask those who made all those nasties, didn´t we told you , stop it before it is too late. How ever , we have - Quote :
- TOP Silky Terrier in the UK with Lisa Welch's Limartine Runnin on Red and we are very happy to share that honour with Cherry who is undoubtedly the best bitch at present in the UK.
and that´s IT! We have a great team , and unfortunality there are some who don´t like it . This make people do nasty things unfortunality. One thing is sure, they cannot do nothing to our joy never. I love you Tanya and Terhi and Virginia you have done my year 2007 And this is what really meens something to people . Irma and super winner at special show for silkies in Finland Inari
Last edited by on Mon Oct 01 2007, 00:10; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | irma
Number of posts : 1044 Registration date : 2006-12-20
| Subject: viela suomeksikin Sun Sep 30 2007, 21:27 | |
| Kiitokset jalleen kerran Tanyalle ja Virginialle suurenmoisesta tyosta Bombix Moren Silkkiterrierien parissa. Rakas Marty jakaa Cheryn kanssa TOP silkkiterrierin tittelin Englannissa, silla se olisi tarvinnut voittaa Belfatissa ROPin mennaakseen pisteissa yli upean Cheryn. Kun niin ei kaynyt niin me iloisemme siita, etta meilla on kunnia jakaa tuo TOP-paikka Lisa Welch kauniin ja voittoisan Cheryn kanssa. Ja olemme iloisia tietenkin siita etta urosten voitto meni Crispynille ansaitusti. Martti ja Crispyn on hyvin erityyppisia silkkiterriereja , joten tuomarin mieltymys ratkaisee kahden hyvan ja kauniin silkin sijoituksen ja silla siisti. Nyt oli Crispyn paiva. Onnea Kathleen. Kiitanpa tassa yhteydessa viela Terhi Korhosta joka on myos tehnyt suurenmoista tyota Bombix Moren silkkien kanssa. Mina alan saada tarpeekseni siita, etta eraat tahot kulkee jalanjaljissani ja jakaa pahaa ilmapiiria kaikkialle mihin perassa kulkeutuvatkin. Tama on jo havytonta suomessa, mutta etta se pitaa vieda viela ulkomaillekin! Viela pahemmalle tuulelle tulee kun jotkut viela uskoo kaikenlaisiin valheisiin ja tekaistuihin juttuihin. . Tanya ja Terhi ei kuuna paivana tekisi tuollaista josta heista on tehty valitus Irlannin kennelliittoon. Valhetta koko juttu. Moni tunnettu henkilo naki tannoin Suomessa tapauksen , kun hyvin menestynyt uros ei voittanutkaan ROPia miten tama koira roiskastiin sen boxiin siita syysta. Se jos mika on huonoa kaytosta. Mielestani , JOS vaikka ruusukkeen heittaisikin penkille, ei ole mitaan edelliseen verrattuna. Ihmisella on oma persoonallinen tempperamenttinsa, pitaisiko se muuttaa ennenkuin saa osallistua nayttelyyn ? Sita voisi kysya ainakin koiriaan heittavilta paremminkin kuin jonkun rusetin heittajalta. Rusettia EI kuitenkaan Tanya ja Terhi ole viskoneet, eivat siitakaan huolimatta etta eras naytteille asettaja oli kehua repostellut olevansa tuomarin paras ystava ja siksi taman kehuskelijan oli niin kurjaa menna nyt kehaan. Kysymys kuuluukin onko tuomari tietoinen tuosta puheesta ja miten han asiaan suhtautuu kun saa tietaa ? Jos olisin tuomari olisi varma, etta ainakin tuohon puheeseen tuollainen ystavyys loppuikin. Ystavat eivat tee ystavalle kuten tama ystava teki! joka tapauksessa nama ihmiset eivat ole tehneet mitaan muuta kuin esittaneet ja omistaneet Bombix Moren silkkiterrierin ja heita kohdellaan minun vuokseni nain huonosti. . Se on havytonta , silla Tanya ja Terhi Viginian avustuksella ja yhteistyossa ovat tehneet niin suurenmoista ja kovaa tyota kasvattieni kanssa, etta he eivat ansaitse tallaista kohtelua, niinkuin ei kukaan muukaan ja kaikki vain siksi , etta eraat tahot haluavat kaikkea mahdollista ilkeytta minulle. Useat jo sanovatkin , etteivatko he huomaa lopettaa ennenkuin on liian myohaista tata paatonta ajojahtiaan. Uskon etta eivat. Mitta on kylla jo taysi monella muullakin taholla kuin minulla. Jos kerran hakee hakemalla itselleen vaikeuksia niin takuu varmasti niita tulee saamaan,ja ehka se onkin jo tukiopetuksen aika. Mutta me olemme mahtava tiimi , ja meita ei nujerra tuollainen ilkeys, pain vastoin. Marty ja kaunis Chery jakaa TOP silkin tittelin Englannissa ja SE ON SIINA ! bailatkaa ystavat surkaa viholliset , HYVA ME
Last edited by on Mon Oct 01 2007, 00:16; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | irma
Number of posts : 1044 Registration date : 2006-12-20
| Subject: Reserv Greenstars are at home Sun Sep 30 2007, 22:14 | |
| We have reserv Greenstars at home, so all is untrue again!' NOTE THE JUDGE HAS CHANGING IT WAS NOT K. BERGBOM HUOMATKAA, ETTA K.BERGBOM EI TUOMAROINUT VAAN TUOMARI OLI VAIHDETTU. Re-Greenstarit ovat kotona, ja on havytonta , etta joku valehtee toisista tallaista. Onko jonkun mielesta oikein, etta jollakin taholla ollaan niin ilkeita toisia kohtaan , etta valhe valheen peraan aiheuttaa haittaa toisille. Irma
Last edited by on Mon Oct 01 2007, 00:19; edited 1 time in total | |
| | | Tanya
Number of posts : 281 Registration date : 2007-08-01
| Subject: Re: BELFAST SUNDAY the LAST day SEPTEMBER 2007 Sun Sep 30 2007, 23:19 | |
| I want to write so much about the lies told about Terhi and I that we heard today, but I can't be bothered to write so much, they are lies, nasty lies, but i guess that is what you come to expect when you succed in what you are doing. I know it is not true, Terhi knows it is not true, the judge knows it is not true, those showing the silkys that day that went BOB know it isn't true and the whole of that family know it isn't true. The spectators around the ring know it isn't true and those that you have said it too know it isn't true, oh and our show file knows it isn't true as the certificates are there larger than life. Terhi and I have achieved great things this year, I am so proud of my dogs and the great things they have done this year, Nitro even got accepted onto the agility course on Saturday, having passed her re-call test! To share the honour of Top Silky UK 2007 with Chery and Lisa to me is a great pleasure and honour. I am proud that Marty and I are to be recognised alongside someone who has made such a wonderful contribution to this breed and indeed who has contributed towards developing my knowledge in this breed. It has been a real pleasure competeing alongside Lisa and Chery who I am very proud to call my friend, and i wish them every success for the future. What a great year and what a great achievement. It just goes to show that "Decision and determination are the engineer and fireman of our train to opportunity and success" - Burt Lawlor There isn't anything that anyone can say and do that can take this away from Me, Terhi, Irma or my mum, because we have worked hard for this and achieved this, and our knowledge, passion, understanding and determination will never let those who wish to do harm, hurt us. You won't beat us down, I will be here long after you have all gone in this breed and so will Terhi, it will take a lot more than your sticks and stones to pull me out. And you will never have from me the loss of face that you try to paint a picture of at Tralee, I and Terhi have far more self respect than that, we have never, nore would we ever degrade ourselves to that level, which is the only reason why I have not spoken my mind to you face to face in Ireland, even when I've been pointed at, giggled at by YKC handlers at the ring side at Irish Toy Dog. You will never have the satisfaction of that behaviour from me and Terhi, we are to clever for that and are more focused on our dogs than to engage in that kind of carry on. Terhi and I will continue on next year as we have for the last two years, and together we will again achieve great things "Honesty has a beautiful and refreshing simplicity about it. No ulteriour motives. No hidden meanings. An absence of hypocrisy, duplicity, political games, and verbal superficiality. As honesty and real intergrity characterize our lives, there will be no need to manipulate others" - Chuck Swindoll Tanya, Marty, Nitro and Beau | |
| | | irma
Number of posts : 1044 Registration date : 2006-12-20
| Subject: Palautan viela mieliin Sun Sep 30 2007, 23:43 | |
| Palautan viela mieliinne etta kyseinen Traleen nayttely oli yksi Irlannin Circuit nayttelyista ( 4 nayttelya samalla viikolla ) Traleessa ennen kehaan menoa eras naytteille asettaja kertoo toisille nayttelyasettajille , olevansa hyvin onneton kun on mentava kehaan ja tuomari on hanen paras ystavansa. Kehan reunalla ihmeteltiin miten yksi tiesi tuomari muutoksesta ja toiset eivat ? Toisaalta uros joka esitettiin vaitetylle parhaalle ystavalle voitti "VSPn" , mihin se ei ollut kuitenkaan pystynyt yhdessakaan muussa Circuitin nayttelyssa? Yllattavaa eiko totta, etta tassa nayttelyssa tehdaan valitus Tanyasta ja Terhista ja vaitetaan vara-greenstarin heittamisesta? Mista lie kysymys , vastaus on hyvin helppo ja yksinkertainen I wish you remember this show in Tralee, a show of 4 shows in Irish circuit. One handler told to other handlers that the judge have change and this judge is the good friend of her. Other handlers didn´t know that they have an other judge, so how is possible that one of them knew it? This handler got best male to her dog, the only win or best male of 4 shows? From this show Tanya and Terhi has threw away a rosets , wich is not true. So I think you find out easy what is the point... epareilu pelaaminen on erittain hapeallista
Last edited by on Mon Oct 01 2007, 13:13; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | Kristiina Teerikorpi
Number of posts : 457 Localisation : Moraga, California, U.S.A. Registration date : 2006-12-20
| Subject: Re: BELFAST SUNDAY the LAST day SEPTEMBER 2007 Mon Oct 01 2007, 02:58 | |
| OH NO!!!!! Here we go again! Would it never stop??? ... I guess not! "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education." Albert Einstein "The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way."Samuel Butler "One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards." Oscar Wilde "He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." Benjamin Franklin "In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." Eleanor Roosevelt "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'"Eleanor Roosevelt "I am a big believer that eventually everything comes back to you. You get back what you give out." Nancy Reagan Do not let those people put you down! Tanya, Terhi, Irma and Virginia, you are so much better people than those who try their hardest to destroy you, and all because you are more succeed than them. Some people just can not put with that. GOOD LUCK FOR THE FUTURE SHOWS! :team: Kristiina "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt | |
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| Subject: Re: BELFAST SUNDAY the LAST day SEPTEMBER 2007 | |
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