We begin to expose in 1988, twenty years ago.
Twenty years later,
during this year 2008, we get 20 champion titles with our following bred dogs
ALINE of Silky’s Paradise (owner: Stork) born 27.11.01
1. Belgium
(is also Lux, VDH, KFT Ch; International Ch to be certified)
ENJOY of Silky’s Paradise(owner:Schneider/De Bondt) born 06.12.05
2. International
3. French
4. German (VDH)
5. German (KFT)
6. Swiss
7. Belgium
(is also Luxembourg Champion)
ENRIQUE of Silky’s Paradise born 06.12.05
8. International
9. Belgium
10. German (VDH)
11. German (KFT)
12. Dutch
(is also Jr German (VDH) Ch, Jr German (KFT) Ch, Jr Dutch Ch, Luxembourg and French Ch, D BundesJugendsieger,
D JarhundertJugendsieger, Belgian Winner, D Bundessieger,
FUNNYLADY of Silky’s Paradise born 18.11.06
13. Jr German (VDH)
14. Jr German (KFT)
15. Jr Dutch
16. Luxembourg
(is also D BundesJungendsieger, D Europasieger, Belgian Winner,
D Klubsieger, D Bundessieger)
FUEGO of Silky’s Paradise born 03.12.06
17. Jr German (VDH)
18. Jr German (KFT)
19. Jr Dutch
20. Luxembourg
(is also D BundesJugendsieger, Belgian Winner, D Klubsieger,
NL Klubwinner)
Thanks to Mr & Mrs Schneider and Mr & Mrs Stork for their investment in exposing our dogs.
By this way we particularly want to give special thanks to our great friends
Irma LEINO and Silja SUSIA for their help and trust, making it possible to realise this work.
Also we don’t forget our other friends, breeders/owners of the following dogs making part, amongst others, of the pedigree of the above mentioned dogs
Allannette Boldn Blue->breeder:COLLINS(Australia)/owner: SUSIA(Finland)
Daika des Fleurons d’Or -> breeder: DAVID(France)/owner: LEINO(Finland)
Stenilja Iceking Indeed -> breeder: SUSIA(Finland)/owner: LEINO(Finland)
Bombix Moren Waikiki Wilma -> breeder: LEINO(Finland)
Allannette Casanova->breeder: COLLINS(Australia)/owner: SUSIA(Finland)
Falcon Creek de Majodian -> breeder & owner: MARK(France)
Gaston Lagaffe de Majodian->breeder:MARK(FR)/owner:SCHNEIDER(FR)
Stenilja Quick Trick -> breeder: SUSIA(Finland)
Stenilj Nora’s Net News -> breeder & owner: SUSIA(Finland)
Dunar’s Rambo -> breeder: KARP(America)/owner: ISTAS(France)
Fruit Défendu de Majodian->breeder: MARK(FR)/owner: KIPINA(Finland)
Dane York Fruit Défendu->breeder: KIPINA(Finland)/owner: MARK(Finland)
Thanks to all of them.
We retain from this experience that
Each bred dog is the work and investment from many other breeders; we always have to remember this.
We wish to all a good end 2008 and hope to see you next year.
Monique & Karel
and all the silkys
Of Silky’s Paradise