Anne, I know they are several show people who thinks it is not
important to have junior CAC and junior Champions.
BUT, as always all of them are wanting World Winner juniors European junior winners and so on
In my mind junior champion titles are important too. If it is important to get new puppy owners to the shows, it is very
important to give this kind of possibilytes to them.
IF there are people who are not interested at all junior titles , they
can choose as they want, do not show juniors age dogs at all.
BUT those who likes junior titles can choose other way, to shows they
juniors and got titles to them as many as they are able to have. When new puppy owners can won something really as a title even
junior ch title, they will be more interesting to go on with the adult dog too.
Think about DK, you pay 50 euros a show and you cannot have nothing
to your junior.
I know several who will not entry to DK the juniors , because they cannot
win there nothing. They know there will be more adults who wait CACs,
and this because they need to pay 50 euros for nothing.
Todays judges do not award often juniors with CACs in Europa, so why
entry any juniors at all and pay as much money for nothing?
You can get more when you entry them to match shows. Unfortunality
in Finland those who want to win all at shows want to win all in match
shows too
Junior cannot be ready as adult and this is why I like they need to
award as they age. And I like junior champion titles and BIS groups
are greats!
Anne kyselee tassa onko tarkeaa etta on junior tittleita.
Minun mielestani se on ehdottomasti hyva idea.
Tiedan etta monet "ammattilaiset" vastustavat naita titteleita, mutta
samalla kahmivat kaikki maailman voittaja ja europanvoittaja ym junior tittelit
Aloittavaa harrastajaa pitaisi myos muistaa kannustaa ja innostaa harrastamaan. Koska nayttelyt ovat menneet yha enemman ammattilaisten peliksi ja voitot kaaritaan lahes aina samojen taskuun,
on tarkeaa etta edes junior ikaisena voi harrastajakin kokea onnistumisen
iloa josta sitten kasvaa kiinnostus jatkoon.
EI se keneltakaan pitaisi pois olla jos haluaa juniorinsa junior valioksi.
Ellei sitten halutakin etta kehista pois harrastajat ja "ammattilaiset"
ainoastaan kehiin.
Suomessa on aina vastustettu juniorvalio titteleita, mutta onko koskaan
edes "kentan" mielipidetta asiasta kysytty tai kuunneltu?
Nyt en tarkoita "kentan mielipiteena" niiden harvojen kaiken tietavia
ja kaiken kahmivia vaan nimen omaan sita enemmistoa sita tavallista
harrastaja joukkoa joka menee innoissaan niihin maihin hakemaan junnutittelit joissa niita on saatavilla.
Junnutittelit kehiin, kelpaa takuulla kaikkille sitten kun niita on tarjolla.
Irma ja silkkipoikariesa Inari, Tonta ja Melbe