:arc:Year went by so fast and it is already time for the most important show in the U.S.A.
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has always been held in Madison Square Garden, New York.
This year it is going to be
132nd Annual Dog Show, witch will be on
Monday and Tuesday, February 11-12, 2008.
Past years Silky Terriers has been judged on Mondays but this year they are going to be judge on Tuesday.
Fourteen Am Ch Silky Terriers (10 males, 4 females) has been entered in this show.
This Year judge is going to be
Mr. Michael Dachel. Silkys will be judge at
Ring 2, 8.00 AM (New York time).
That is going to be very early wake up for the exhibitors.
GOOD LUCK FOR EVERY ONE!Here is the links where you can find more informations about this show.
http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/RESULTShttp://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/2008/results/More comments later..
Vuosi on vierahtanyt vauhdilla ja edessa on vuoden tarkein koiranayttely taalla U.S.A.:ssa.
Westminster Kennel Clubin nayttely on pidetty aina Madison Square Gardenissa, New Yorkissa.
Taman vuoden nayttely tulee olemaan
132. nayttely joka tullaan pitamaan
Maanantaina ja Tiistaina, Helmikuun 11-12, 2008.
Menneina vuosina Silkki Terrierit on arvosteltu Maanantaisin, mutta tana vuonna ne arvostellaan Tiistaina.
Neljatoista Amerikan Valio Silkkiterrieria (10 urosta, 4 narttua) on ilmoittautunut tahan nayttelyyn.
Taman vuoden tuomarina tulee olemaan
Mr. Michael Dachel. Silkit tullaan arvostelemaan
kehassa 2, 8.00 aamulla New Yorkin aikaa.
Naytteille asettajilla tulee olemaan kovin aikainen heratys.
ONNEA KAIKILLE!Tassa linkit, mista voitte loytaa lisa informatiota tasta nayttelysta.
http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/TULOKSEThttp://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/2008/results/Lisaa myohemmin...
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt