Tama tiimi todella rakastaa rotua.
Tahan tiimiin on ilo kuulua
Voimaa ja Virtaa, ei turhia puheita
Siten me jatkamme, hitaasti, mutta varmasti.
Kiitos Rosa kannustuksestasi, se merkitsee meille
kaikille valtavasti.
Irma and Inari ja uudet unelmien
toteuttajat Primo and Tonta.
This team really love this race, as well as they all dogs.
Strengt and power, no useful talks
That is the way how we go on, slowly but seriously.
Thank you Rose of all these lovely
words on this foorum. To have you
on the team is very important to all us. :cheekkiss1:
Irma and Inari
also new promising silkies
Primo and Inari