Congratulations to dear Waikiki and her loving family in Belgium. I am so proud to get Waikiki to you. It is not me who done
such a much , it is my dearest friends Monique and Karell, who have always trust and belive me and Waikiki. You have done all the works
with Waikiki as well as several other important silkies on my life.
I never forget all these 14 years together with you. I think you every
day where ever I go.
Also Fairy have her birthday she born just on the same day december
few year after Waikiki
. Today I think my sweet Kiara too.
all you, Waikiki, Kiara and Fairy have be the sun of my life.
If all people was like you have be I think the world can be a lot better
than it is today.
we cannot have all , so I am so lucky to have one of the bests YOU
, Monique and Karell.
give a big big hug to greatest girl Waikiki
Irma and silkies, special kiss from Fairy