THANK YOU GUYS!Show went very well and Jayden showed like never before!
He got the most attention from the ringside.
This was on;y the third show to Jayden in this year and I was surprised to noticed that the shows are very small now a days. Usually the entry in shows in California are between 2000 -3000 dogs but this year entries has been hardly a 1000. I guess the bad economy and the politic games at the shows is taking the toll.
Also the choice of judges has been very pore. Most of the exhibitors are Professional Handlers who are the favor to judges since that is how they make their salary. Less and less breeders is attending to the shows and we hardly ever have the MAJORS now a days. What a shame.
I basically take this year off too, since there is not many shows that has the judge who would be honest and put the best dog up in stead they rather put the Professional Handlers up to keep they going and earn their living.
I hope the economy improve soon and we can see more peoples at the show and enjoy our hobby.
On Sunday Ch Safire Rock It To The Stars took
BOB with the well known handler Mike Stone.
BOS was Ch NOET Chase The Ace .
Good Luck to every one!
"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."Leon J. Suenes